Upgrade ModelSmart (for Windows 95,98,NT,2000,XP)
Free ModelSmart for Windows Print Utility
Upgrade to the latest version of Bridge Builder
I should tell my colleagues about the software but I like having this advantage. Sorry.
Thank you very much. My students thank you too. This is one of their favorite activities... I love it.
As always the customer service at pre-engineering is
hard to beat!
Congratulations - the material presented is excellent and has provided me with a whole host of new ideas to present to my students. Please keep me informed of any new teaching products.
Last Fall I purchased a copy of your ModelSmart software. Using the software they were able to significantly reduce the number of test
models they built before arriving at their final design... Out of a field of 23 teams, my son and his partner won the gold medal for bridge.
Thanks for such a great product.
Our time has come. My son, daughter, and Model Smart took first place for the
state.... We will be heading for the national competition. Persistence and the right tools
will create results. Thanks!!
Thank you very much for all of your help. The information regarding
the Tx and Rx restraints is priceless. Thank you for taking the time
to make the model and then to lead me through it. There are not that
many companies in the world that offer that type of customer
service. Thank you again!!!!
I have had great success with the program and recommend it to others. I will
continue using it in the future.