Design and Test Model Bridges and Towers on Your Computer


ModelSmart ®

Animated Tower

ModelSmart Screen

ModelSmart is a new software program designed to introduce middle, high school and college students to basic engineering concepts while reinforcing their math and science skills. Written by a professional engineer, ModelSmart allows students to interactively design and test balsa and bass wood structural models of bridges, cranes, towers, and all kinds of structural systems on the computer.

Student's explore more structures with less material waste and more fun.

Program Features:

Bend it! - Break it!

Balsa Tower

System Requirements:

Microsoft?; Windows10, Windows8, Windows7, WindowsXP, Windows?2000, NT, XP, Vista, Me, or 98

Order the student (home use) version of ModelSmart for only $39.95

Shipping Charge:  $9.50

($29.95 + $0.00 Shipping if you select to download)

Phone : (225) 769-3728



(Download brochure as pdf)

An Underslung Arch


Experiment with a crane.

Load the top chord of the truss.

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Copyright 1987-2025, Pre-Engineering Software Corporation. All rights reserved.

This work may not be republished in any form.